Saturday, September 3, 2011

Parade Day

It's Parade Day!

We'll snag a parking spot at Starbucks (we kind of know the manager-wink, wink) and walk down to Domino's where some great friends have set out earlier this morning to drop off our chairs so we have a place to sit when the parade arrives.   You could actually put your chairs out on the side of the road the night before the parade (what we did last year) and no one will think twice about taking them. A plus to living in a small town.  Nice job, Eburg!  You rock in that kind of way.

So, last night we had an "adventure."
Our toilet and tub got backed up and our toilet was leaking badly.
Called in plumber #1.  He said it doesn't look good.
Called in plumber #2. He stayed until 11pm and told us that our huge massive pain in the butt tree in the back needs to be fully removed and then the yard needs to be dug up in order to fix the old piping that the roots of that tree most likely are crushing.
And, our landlords are on vacation at Disneyland until the end of next week.

So, we have no shower or toilet use until it's all fixed.
Double Awesome.

Sure, we could be bummed and upset about all this.
But, no thanks!
We laughed for awhile about it.
Laughed at the timing of it: a holiday weekend and our landlords are on a Disneyland vacation until the end of next week.  It's going to be a grand adventure.

Thankfully, our sweet friends, the Sallees, offered us the use of their shower anytime we want!
I am going to teach Grace the fine art of peeing outside or in a cup and we'll make some frequent trips to Starbucks for other bathroom needs, if ya know what I mean.

On that note, I hear a monkey waking up.
Off to get ready for the parade!
Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!


  1. Your positive spirit never fails to amaze me!

  2. Oh man! When it rains, it pours. Keep up the good sense of humour!


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