Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Praise (or two) and A Prayer Request

My dad saw my last post and contacted me immediately.
He told me he wanted to purchase photo editing software for me.
WHAT?? Oh what a praise and huge answer to prayer.
Thank you God for using my Dad to bless me in such an enormous way.
We are going to be getting Apeture 3 and it's going to help me out immensely.
Thank you again, Dad.

***And, tonight at small group I was asked by my beautifully pregnant first-time mama friend if I could take her photos. Oh God, you are so good.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

My dance class up started last week-a 10 week summer course for 3 and 4 year olds (tap, dance, creative movement, etc.)
When I was asked to teach back in January I prayed that my Monday class would at least get 5 kids.
Well, I have two full classes (1 with 10 kids and one with 6 kids) and I have been asked by numerous moms if I would be willing to teach the same class in the fall.  I just heard from Louise that I can!!  The only thing is I'll have to see what other jobs I acquire in the fall to make sure it can be worked out around other schedules.  But, wow and yay!!

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

On to my prayer request.
As you know we have been yearning for and praying for Grace to get into the private Christian school here in Ellensburg.  She has been accepted.  She took their Kindergarten Evaluation (and scored exceedingly higher than required to get in.  They require they enter at 5.5 year old level.  She scored at 6.7+ year old level). However, as you know, we can not afford it.  

Below are how things work.  And, we would need to go with option "B".

**what was sent to us from the school: 

If you want to apply for assistance, complete an CFA form, and qualify, then you may pay $215 monthly plus fees; HOWEVER your child’s seat is not saved until we can fully fund the seat with scholarships or work study.   Two things can happen:
1)      We have scholarships and work study hours to get your family fully funded and the seat is safe
2)      We do not have enough funds or hours, and your child attends as long as there is space available
a.       If you are on space available, then your seat is not safe until mid-August, but you still need to pay $215 monthly plus fees if you attend.
b.      On a limited basis some families may be able to do work study to help get them to the equivalent of $215 monthly (this means you pay what you can (for us it would be an extremely limited amount) and work off the remaining money (which for us would be numerous work study hours owed every week, on top of us both working extremely long hours while making sure to protect our family time)

Please pray for WISDOM:

-That's God's Will be done.  
-That if we do get funded that we make the right decision.
-That the work study hours wouldn't take away from our soon to be limited family time (due to us both working-and I'll probably have multiple jobs working around Loren's job). 
-That if this doesn't work out that Grace gets placed in the right school and with the right teacher and with the right students where she will be challenged, loved on, allowed to use her creativity and think outside the box.  

And, please pray that I continue to remember that...... God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sallee Family Photo Shoot

I was beyond humbled when asked to take photos of their family.
They saw the photos I took of the Teasleys (the pregnancy photos I recently took) and asked me if they could hire me to take these for them.  I was a little nervous at first as working with eight kids can be challenging and since I'd never done photos like this before I didn't want to let them down. But, Grandma Karon talked me into it and boy was it fun.  This is by far one of the most spectacular families I have ever met.  Talk about kind and loving. 

Here are a few from their session.

I must say I really love photography.
I have always loved photography but until this past year I didn't realize how passionate I was about it.
I would be honored to be able to do this part time for work.

I just need to take some classes and I need to get some good photography editing software.
Right now I'm just clicking and shooting and using our computers generic photo editing-which doesn't offer much.

We will see what happens over the next few months.
Praying for wisdom and open doors.

Thank you Sallee family for your generosity and for trusting me to capture such a special season in your lives.