Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hump Day

   Here are my favorite moment's from today so far

After school Z came over for 3 hours to play & hang out while his mommy worked
We love having friends over.

Showing Z our favorite secret spot across the street from our house at the hospital.
It's the Healing Garden.  

60's, overcast and fully dressed...and she still goes in the sprinkler.

I don't mind her getting soaked as long as she's happy and happy she is!

Our garden is full of tulips.   Grace loves to pick them for me.  I have 6 inside in a vase right now. 

Next up on my Wednesday make it fun list: 
Watching Beethoven & listening to a thunderstorm while snuggling with Grace is a good start.   
We have not experienced a thunderstorm since we were in TN last June.  
I miss a good Florida rain/thunder storm and it's raining good.  Thank you God for watering my yard.  

....just realized my car windows are open.  Oops.

Monday, April 23, 2012


I would like to apologize in advanced because my photos are completely out of order.
My up loader rearranged the photos and I'm too lazy right now to fix them all.
Hope you don't mind!

Loren works a lot of hours.
He is gone from 5:45am-6:30/7pm or later each work day.
He also works every other Saturday and has every other Wednesday off. 

Because of our limited family time, when we do get a day off together we make it count. 

This past week we had Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday together! 
Here is how we spent it.


Sunday was the hottest day we've had this year.  We loved it. 
It was just the right weather for our Sunday.  We spent the morning and afternoon at church (by the way we love love love our new church, The River).  Then we ran home for outside storage reorganizing.  Grace played in the pool, while Loren and I sorted and figured out where to put things, what to throw out and what to sell.  Honestly, I completely dislike this job each spring/fall, but it's one that must be done so we plowed through and finished just in time.   Just in time to sell our mower, grab dinner to go and we head to Carey Lake for a dinner picnic.  Grace even played in the lake for a bit before we had to run home for bath and bed time.  It was a great day-Lot's of sun and fun.  And, we got a few things accomplished too.  Always an added bonus!  

This makes me happy because it means summer is just around the corner. 

Our back deck with all our shed stuff cluttering it.
Not a fan of clutter-a tad stressful for mama
The River.  Our new church.


Loren had off today.  I love when he has Wednesdays off (even though it means the next week he'll work six days straight and Grace will maybe get to see him 1 hour each of those day).  While Grace was in school we went on a date.  Our favorite kind of date: a Hike!  It felt so good to be outside and getting exercise.  After we picked up Grace from school we ate lunch and headed the Kittitas County Museum.  It's free, there's lots to look at and Loren's never been so Grace thought it would be a wonderful way to spend our afternoon-and she was right!  The rest of the day was spent at home relaxing and enjoying each others company!  

At the museum

Precious time at home

dancing with daddy

On our date

The bridge that brought us to our hiking destination. 
I think Ellensburg is gorgeous
Spotting bald eagles and hawks 

We didn't make it to our destination: the bottom of a water fall but we hiked for 2 hours
and got an amazing work out.  It was perfect.  


Saturday was a busy and beautiful day.  In the morning Loren took Grace on a date to The Palace Cafe for breakfast. Then they went to the pet stop and made a final stop at ABC Donuts.   They walked the whole way....from home to down town and around town and back.  While they were on their date I went to an Aware Breakfast/Fundraiser.  If you have never heard of Aware, please check them out!  Go HERE.  After we each got back we ate lunch together, cleaned up the house a bit, napped (well, Loren & I did).  Loren mowed and fixed up his scooter while Grace and I played out front.  At 5:30 our sitter showed up and Loren and I headed out to the Women of Vision Fundraiser/Dinner.  If you do not know what Women of Vision is please go HERE.  We had an amazing night connecting with friends and learning a ton.  There was a silent Art Auction and we ended up winningtwo pieces of beautiful art by our friend Mark Berry!   We got them for a steal, but grateful the money all went or a fantastic cause.  Blessed by this day.  

So this is Jake.  He's our cat. He's big and beautiful and odd.
We love him!

Sadly, he is very old and his hips are starting to go.  Thinking this might be his
last year with us.  Prepping for the worst and hoping for the best.  

while we were out front playing, Grace decorated our big tree with dandelions

It's beach ball time

cleaning out the car and fixing up the scooter

being kissed by Bailey

Beware of the lioness

spring is finally here

rest time

One of the pieces of art. We put it in our kitchen
I love that Grace knew immediately upon looking at it that it was of Italy

the 2nd piece of art we won.  Loren surprised me with it.  Thank you, babe!

How did you spend your time off this last week?