Friday, May 11, 2012

A week in review

I am really grateful for the job God has given me these past 9 months.  
It is so wonderful to see Grace with a little "brother."  I look forward to September when we get l-man and his new born baby brother.  Grace is going to be in baby heaven.  She is so pumped to learn how to change a diaper and feed a baby.  And by all means, I am going to let her change those diapers!  

Woopie Cushion time.  A very important lesson when you are a baby.
He thinks they are hilarious.  
Grace was very proud of her work.
However, he did not want to wear a dress for long so off it went.   
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

Where's Grace?

Pizza Movie Nights are back......

Watching the new Muppet Movie.

Sweet Jake

Please pray for our sweet kitty, Jake.
With-in a month his body has deteriorated greatly and he can barely walk.
Pray that he is not in any pain and that we have wisdom on how to help him best.

My girl is a fashionista.  Her sense of style is different, eclectic and mix matched.
I love it.  

These two have a special bond. I love when she reads to him and the way he looks at her when she does.

Snuggles before bed are usually...ummm....not so snugly.
She gets wound up and likes bounce and wiggle a lot.
Think Tigger.  So moments when she's still I grab and take the opportunity.

 New (to us) Guitar 

Loren's guitar broke.
He traded it in for a new guitar.

This new guitar has brought more music into our house.
Now Grace wants to learn.  

We are borrowing a friend ukulele to see if she's actually
willing to sit and learn. They have fewer strings are easier to initially learn on.
If she is truly willing we might think about getting her one (a Ukulele).

 Mother's Day

A great thing about school is that Grace comes home with precious
gifts for mama each big holiday.  These are my favorite kind of gifts.
I'm not a fan of receiving fancy or expensive gifts.  But homemade/
thoughtful gifts are right up my alley.  


Yep. Still wearing winter socks.
We have had some warm days but we still have days where winter coats are needed. Sigh.
There are also days that have potential to be warm but then the wind blows rapidly all day dropping
the temp 20 degrees and then it's cold again.
Thankfully this weekend is suppose to be in the 80's!  A Mother's Day gift for me, indeed.

Sleeping Beauty

I usually don't get to capture sleeping moments as she's like her mama
and is a light sleeper.  Today it worked.  I love mornings.  
Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart"

We hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.
Celebrate your mom, your wife, your children's mom, a friends mom or someone who has been like a mother to you.
Moms, I have learned over the last 6 years, truly have the hardest and most precious job in the entire word.  Say thanks!  Their work never ends. They don't get paid with money and they don't get quarterly reviews.  Make this weekend special for them.