Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rounding Out Summer

This is how I would love to spend all of my days.
Thinking I might move on over to Hawaii some day.
Labor day weekend came and gone which means fall is just around the corner.
As much as I love fall, summer had such a late start that I am not ready to let it go just yet especially since it was only two months ago that we put away our winter attire.  

Thankfully, "my" efforts to keep summer around longer are working.
Temps have been in the 90's this week!
And, thus my plan is working ; )

Here's to taking advantage of ever day of sun and warmth that we have left.

7 days until Grace Starts Kindergarten.  Grace can not wait.  The rest of the school district started today and she wanted to start with them.  It's been so hard for her to wait.  This Friday we get to have a special meeting with her teacher, just the three of us.  It'll give her a chance to get to know us and us a chance to get to know her and ask any questions we might have.  We will celebrate the fun occasion by picnicking at Carey Lake.

Day 5 of having no toilet, shower, washing machine or dish washing access and at least 5 more days to go.  Bring It On, Camping From Home Adventure!  Our landlord just swung by and I think things will finally get moving on the plumbing next Monday.  The trees (yes, plural.  We found out a 2nd tree needs to be removed as well, as does part of our fence.  The cats, who can't get enough of the outside, are less than thrilled to be me moving in doors) will be removed either tomorrow or Friday.  Part of our fence needs to be taken down today so the cats need to be moved in doors for the time being.  It's all one big wonderful adventure. 
Thank goodness for the Sallee's who have let us shower at their home.  Today they were gracious enough to let us come do two loads of laundry.  We have been washing dishes out back in wash tubs and today I will bathe Grace in a baby pool.  All = a good story to add to the many pages of our Statema adventures.

Grace and I have used the last two weeks to hang out-just the two of us.  It's something we have both needed.  It's been life giving.  It's been refreshing and I see a change in Grace & myself. She seems happier. She is definitely a girl after my own heart- a homebody who enjoys doing things with family most!  She's happy just being at home or exploring outside with mom and dad.   It's been nice to do what we want and like most.  Simple things.   To not feel the need to be surrounded by a ton of people.  It's been freeing this week.

We are making some changes in our life/routine as of late.  Good changes.  Getting rid of things in our week that aren't life giving.  Adding things to our week that bring us joy.  

This weeks has been a good one.  Dinner with friends.  A friend date.  Kiddie pool time.  Quiet time.  Moon sand.  Baking.  Sunshine.  Go Fish.  Dinner out.  Walks. And, lots fun at home.

Have you reevaluated how you spend your time lately and who you are spending your time with?
It's not spring but doing some "life" spring cleaning is always a good idea.
Figure out the pros and cons.  See what is there that shouldn't be & get rid of it.  Add in stuff that will bring more richness to your life.  Happy Spring Cleaning!

Enjoy these last days of summer!  All too soon snow will be on the ground, the scent of pumpkin pie will be in the air, hot chocolate will be poured in to pretty mugs and the leaves will be changing and falling all around us.  Until then--outside we go, with sunblock of course.

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