Friday, May 13, 2011

The Unexpected

 A quick back story....Starbucks is having frappuccino Happy Hours this week.  From 3pm-5pm 1/2 off Fraps.  Loren's store had so many people taking advantage of the incredible deal that they ran out of a bit of product and needed to borrow some from another Starbucks.  However, the closest one that had what they needed was in Leavenworth, a 1+ hour drive away.  Loren ran there and back on Monday.  To repay them, he had to return the product on Wednesday.  Grace & I decided we wanted to go with so we  tagged along making a family fun day out of it.  Loren found someone to cover his shift, took a personal day and thanks to milage our trip there and back was covered.  Oh Happy -unexpected-  Wednesday!
 If you've never been to Leavenworth, this is one of those places you must go to in your life time. A place to add to your Bucket List or Life List as I like to call it.
It was an old run down lodging and sawmill industry that was brilliantly turned into Bavarian themed village that has "become a pillar of the tourism industry in the Pacific Northwest."
 We walked along the downtown area, stopping in all the neat shops.  Our favorite was Kris Kringl, the most spectacular Christmas store we've ever seen before.  After exploring the town we chose Gustav's as our lunch stop.  Burgers always hit the spot.

After lunch we piled in the car and drove around looking for unique roads to drive down.
We ended up finding field after field of luscious fruit trees in full bloom. 

We thought it would be neat to find a place to explore while on our way back from Leavenworth.

 We enjoy exploring places that are not often traveled....

....finding roads that have been washed away

.....and, doing things with Grace that are slightly dangerous that end up teaching her
a sense of grand accomplishment in the end.
 These photos do not do this hill justice. It was so steep I could not go up it with my camera in fear I would fall and break it.  I stayed below and cheered them on.  There was one moment I got a bit nervous as they tripped over a rock and it came tumbling down, down, down-which could have been one or both of them.  But, I let the fear go and just trusted they would be fine. And, they were.

Victory!  Can you see them at the very top of the hill, arms raised in joy.
It was so steep that Grace had to hang on to Loren's back as they came down in a
zigzag motion so not to fall or slip down the hill.  Thank goodness
they had their walking sticks

"Go Team Statema!!"  
What we say on all of our adventures.

And, that was our Wednesday.

When we got home, we had 1 hour until our small group (5 families total: 10 adults, 7 kiddos and 1 on the way) showed up at our home for dinner and fellowship.  I must say we all slept well that night.  It was a long and wonderful day.

Now, skip forward to Friday, May 13th.
Another busy yet unexpectedly wonderful day.

We played with moonsand; making cupckes, icecream and candies.  We went to Jazzercise.  And, then we headed to the Touch A Truck event.

Grace did so well.  She made it 3/4 the way through the event.  Then it got a bit too loud and we headed home.  I was very proud of her.  She stayed so calm.  She didn't cry or panic when it got too loud, just calmly told me that she was done and would like to go home.  Way to go Grace!

When we got home we came out side to play and found this.....

Our fruit trees all in bloom and smelling of perfume.

Sure it was only just barely 69 degrees out today but my girl wanted to play in her pool-for the first time.

and, she wanted to acquaint herself with the slip and slide.

The view from the kitchen while I cook and do the dishes.
I love this view.  

A good sign that summer in on the way.  

So glad spring is finally starting to show it's face.

After we had some outside play time it time to head out again. We dropped Grace off at a friends and headed to Ellensburg Christian School.  We got called in for an interview.  It went exceptionally well.  We shared our hearts and lives and desires for our daughter.  We were comfortable and laid back and felt at home there.  We will know after next Thursday whether or not we are accepted into the school.  Oh unexpected peace.

After our meeting, Tetta joined us for dinner & game night.

While waiting for dessert Grace colored Tetta a picture and had him close his
eyes the entire time so it was a surprise. He is such a trooper.  

They have a very silly and special relationship.
Even with the language barrier they seem to understand each other.

We taught Tetta Gracie's favorite game, I Spy Eagle Eye and he WON!
Go Tetta!

Grace helping Tetta find a hidden pictures 

And, then my little warrior princess wanted to play the Wii.
She kicks butt at Sword Play.  Look at her face.  She is so serious. 

Girl friend won every single game.  

It was such a simple and enjoyable evening and a perfect way to kick off our weekend.  
Loren has two days off. The only thing we have planned is the Farmers Market & Children's Day which both take place Saturday morning (I am going to be at a booth at the Children's Day event advertising my dance class-praying it doesn't rain as we will be outside).   Other than that we are just going to play things by ear and enjoy our family time, even if it means staying in doors all day playing games and reading together.

Enjoy your weekend.
Make every moment count.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Day For This Mama

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.~ Psalm 127:3

Isn't spring breath taking!

All I wanted for Mother's Day was quality time with my family.  No gifts.  No fancy meals out.  No flowers. Just time. Time with my loves.  And, that's exactly what I got--all weekend.  No gift could outdo that and quite honestly I don't need anything so this was perfect!!!

Loren took off work on Saturday.  Oh how that speaks my love language. 
We went to the Farmers Market (1st one since last fall) & ran into a ton of people we knew who greeted us with hugs.  Walking there and back reminded me of when we first moved here and our routine of Saturday walks to the Farmers Market and how wonderful it was to feel like we were merging ourselves into the community of Ellensburg.  This time it felt like home.

On our walk there and back I took some photos.
Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE the beautiful colors of spring.
They are so inspiring.  Bright, Cheerful, Energizing, Vibrant........

Our Library

Down Town Ellensburg

I did buy a tomato plant for our Topsy Turvey.  
 After the farmers market we came home for lunch. After lunch while Loren and I were getting things ready to go Grace did this......

And, Jake loved every minutes of it.  Such a strange and wonderful cat.

4 hours later and he was STILL like this!

After we got Jake all comfy and cozy we drove to Yakima to cheer on a friend who was playing in a baseball tournament.  Their family actually stayed with us Friday and Saturday night and it was wonderful to have them here. The Seadogs WON and Grace was the best little cheerleader out there.  This was the first baseball game (or game of any kind) she has ever been to and she thoroughly enjoyed it.  
Being there brought back wonderful memories of when my brother was that age playing ball.  I miss watching him, cheering him on and seeing the pride in his eyes when did well.  Oh many years have passed by since then, yet for a moment on Saturday it seemed like it was just yesterday.

Daddy teaching Grace all about baseball (Did you know Loren's dad use to be a pitching coach?)

Waving to Collin who was up to bat-wearing his sisters pink hat to support the Breast Cancer Tournament.

Our friend Steph teaching Grace. I love this.

And, Grace stoked that the team she was cheering for WON!

That was our Saturday.

On Sunday, we just hung out at the house until 1:30pm.  In our PJ's, doing absolutely nothing.
That is my kind of Mother's Day.  Loren cooked me breakfast.  And, he did all the dishes, too!
Half way through the day we ventured out for an hour or so to walk around a lake we'd never been to before then hit up Freddy's to pick up groceries as my sweet hubby made me a yummy dinner.  It was a good day.  I got to nap. I got to rest and relax.  I didn't have to hand wash one dish.  And, I got a back and foot rub.  My husband is incredible.  It was a good day!

Now back to reality.  The life that I love.  Taking care of and serving my family.  There isn't a better job in the entire world.  Thank you Grace for making it possible for me to have a Mother's Day.  "MOM" is a spectacular & humbling title to have and I will wear with pride every day of my life.