Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Summer, where did you go?

Brrrrrrrr......massive wind + cooler temps = a false start of fall?
I only hope since summer started very late that it ends up sticking around for at least another month.

Dear God,

We would love another Indian Summer, pretty please!

Love, girl from Florida who likes the warmth and sun very much!

The cool breeze has brought with it the Ellensburg Fair.
The Fair and Rodeo are a big deal around these parts.
People come from far away to see the famous Rodeo.  From what I hear it's pretty spectacular.
We won't be hitting up the Rodeo this year but we will be heading over yonder to the fair.
Tomorrow night to be exact.

It was the first "big" thing we did when we moved here last year.
It was one of those moments where I thought to myself, "I could really live here."
We are excited and can not wait to go.  We'll head out right after Loren gets off work and as soon as L-Man gets picked up for the day. We'll pack some sandwiches for dinner and walk over to the fair grounds.  I love that it's about a mile away.  No car needed. And, no crazy parking fees either.  

On a totally different note, I started my new job this week.
I started watching a just turned one year old.  He will be joining us two times a week for 5.5-8.5 hours a day (usually 8.5).  And, one week out of the month we won't have him.  God has been so good and provided me with a job that would pay our student loans that kick back in come September and a job where I could still be home with Grace.  Now, I asked for work and God provided in abundance.  I have 4 other job offers as well....3 cleaning gigs and a job at a Pharmacy, which equal just a few jobs too many.  A good problem to have, I must say.  Now I just need to move the people pleaser in me to the side and say no to a few of those jobs.  

Tomorrow is day number two of babysitting.  I need to rise & shine quite early as he gets dropped off at 6:20am.   So, I must bid farewell and hit the hay so I have the energy I'll need for a 12 month old, a 5 year old and a long day of work followed by lots of walking and fun at the fair.

But, I don't leave you empty handed.
Here are a few phone photos from weeks past.

Gracie's 1st letter to Santa.

Mailing the letter.

The girl loves birthday parties.  

Especially when there are fairy tattoos.  

Oh yes, and pinatas

When it's too nice outside to be inside.....

....and a mama has to mow.....

.....we pull out books and chalk....

....and, the girl goes to town.

That's right! We love to laugh. 

A 2011 summer favorite.  Back yard reading time on a blanket while eating a snack.

Getting ready for Kindergarten.

An evening stroll with friends

And, a game of good old fashion Red Light Green Light!

Good Night!

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