Friday, September 9, 2011

A Much Needed Day

Today has been a good day.

Loren only had to work from 5am-9am which was a huge blessing as he's literally been working non-stop for over two weeks now with out a break or time to be home with us.

I jazzercised it up at 9am.
Boy is it good to be back into it! 
I feel so much better this week.

At 11am we met with Gracie's Kindergarten teacher.  Mrs. Folley tested Grace and did some crafts with her while Loren and I filled out a ton of paper work.  It was super fun.  We got all our questions answered and Mrs. Folley got to see who Grace was and told us she was so thrilled to have her in her class.  Then we came home, packed a lunch, got our swim suites on and headed to Irene Rinehart park.  We ate, read, relaxed, searched for shells and rocks and just had a wonderful time relaxing together.

Then we came home to...........a toilet that works (of course it started leaking and flooded the bathroom, but my awesome hubby was able to fix it right away!)!!  Hooray. Laundry-GO.  Dishes-GO.  Before we can use the shower, we have to scrub scrub scrub away....but, it's coming along.  Our entire back yard is dug up just about and will remain open (it's a good 6 feet deep) until the inspector comes on Monday. After we are approved the yard will be put back together.  What a wild ride this last week has been for us!

Nap time followed our excitement after returning home to plumbing that works!
I laid in bed for almost 2 hours.  It was utter perfection.

Then we made breakfast for dinner: chocolate chip pancakes, eggs with mozzarella, sausage and vanilla yogurt.  Such comfort food.

To end our day Loren and Grace are in the hospital parking lot working on some bike riding.
I'm cleaning and getting things back in order.

It's been a GREAT day!

Now, GO and ENJOY your weekend!

***If you have noticed I have not posted photos in quite awhile, it's because I can not find my charger. I brought it to Puyallup with me a few weeks ago and haven't seen it since :(  
So bummed.  I need to figure out something ASAP as Grace starts Kindergarten in T-Minus 5 days and I need to capture this once in a life time moment.  Please pray we find it or find a good deal on one on line (none of the camera shops here sell what we need-sigh).  Thanks.

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