Sunday, August 21, 2011

Geesh....Not Another One

So, this summer seems to have a trend.....a blog catch up where I throw a ton of photos into a post and quickly say what each thing is.  Thanks for humoring me and just going with the flow.

A future artist???
I think the girls got some drawing talent.  She didn't
trace this.  She just looked at the photo and copied it.

Dinner and a Movie

We invited our friends Brooke, Lauren and Ry over.
Grace wanted to make a ginormous pizza cookie for dessert.
She thought they would like it.  

Thanks, Tetta for the M&M's

It was so good I pretty much got sick from eating too much.
 .....and, they did!
They watched The Jetsons.
Brought back great memories.
I loved this movie growing up.

They were so snuggly this evening. 

Kate and William move over.
THIS is the wedding of the year.

They exchanged rings,
& danced.

And, she called him her Prince!
This girl loves her daddy.
And, if she ends up marrying someone just like him
she'll be in good hands.

 Two Silly Friends 
and a Great Summer Day

They laughed 2 hours straight

I think their favorite part was taking turns cracking each other up

The Summer of Swimming Lessons

 This summer Grace took 6 weeks of swimming lessons.
Yes, I am glad we did this for Grace.
But, boy did it take up a ton of our time this summer.

 Grace however grew leaps and bounds during this time period.
She's taken swimming lessons before but she never learned a thing.
This time it was 1 hour sessions, 4 times a week = a nice saturation of quality time in the water.

Houston, we have a Pink Helmet.

And, BLAST OFF.....

3 Day Weekends with Best Buds and the BEST.

We wanted to celebrate them entering into Kindergarten.
Banners, balloons and cup cakes....for breakfast, of course.

These two are like sisters.
They love each other to pieces.
Breaks my heart we live so far away now and can't see them on a weekly basis like we use to.

cup cake decorating

Chalk The Walk, Down Town Puyallup with friends!

We miss you "Pink Playground"

This is why we don't buy our child expensive clothing.

Her contribution to the event.

Fun in a bounce house

Learning to play Fiddle.
Her teacher, Gracie T.  Age. 5

Movie "Night": Tinker Bell and The Great Fairy Rescue

Bird Watching and Exploration

Last moments together at Bradley Lake Park before we had to head home.

I love all the little girl feet

Thank you for the pizza Turners!

One of my favorite photos form the weekend.

This makes me miss these girls all the more. 

Her first time with double braids.
She loved it.

This was a truly magical weekend.
Our girls were in best friend bliss and I felt so terrible whisking her away Sunday afternoon from what she loves so dearly and longs to get back to.  I never knew at such a young age a child could feel so much.  Loren and I have definitely been blessed with a child who feels so much more than your average kid.  She's been like this since birth.  Her soul is so sensitive.  She loves so deeply and hurts so deeply too.  I pray these two never part.  What an incredible friendship story that would be.

1 comment:

  1. What a bunch of beautiful pictures. <3 I love you for sharing them. Sharing your family. Sharing your pictures. Sharing your life. I only wish we'd been able to see you when you were here. next time next time next time. I miss you so very much. <3


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