Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Day For This Mama

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.~ Psalm 127:3

Isn't spring breath taking!

All I wanted for Mother's Day was quality time with my family.  No gifts.  No fancy meals out.  No flowers. Just time. Time with my loves.  And, that's exactly what I got--all weekend.  No gift could outdo that and quite honestly I don't need anything so this was perfect!!!

Loren took off work on Saturday.  Oh how that speaks my love language. 
We went to the Farmers Market (1st one since last fall) & ran into a ton of people we knew who greeted us with hugs.  Walking there and back reminded me of when we first moved here and our routine of Saturday walks to the Farmers Market and how wonderful it was to feel like we were merging ourselves into the community of Ellensburg.  This time it felt like home.

On our walk there and back I took some photos.
Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE the beautiful colors of spring.
They are so inspiring.  Bright, Cheerful, Energizing, Vibrant........

Our Library

Down Town Ellensburg

I did buy a tomato plant for our Topsy Turvey.  
 After the farmers market we came home for lunch. After lunch while Loren and I were getting things ready to go Grace did this......

And, Jake loved every minutes of it.  Such a strange and wonderful cat.

4 hours later and he was STILL like this!

After we got Jake all comfy and cozy we drove to Yakima to cheer on a friend who was playing in a baseball tournament.  Their family actually stayed with us Friday and Saturday night and it was wonderful to have them here. The Seadogs WON and Grace was the best little cheerleader out there.  This was the first baseball game (or game of any kind) she has ever been to and she thoroughly enjoyed it.  
Being there brought back wonderful memories of when my brother was that age playing ball.  I miss watching him, cheering him on and seeing the pride in his eyes when did well.  Oh many years have passed by since then, yet for a moment on Saturday it seemed like it was just yesterday.

Daddy teaching Grace all about baseball (Did you know Loren's dad use to be a pitching coach?)

Waving to Collin who was up to bat-wearing his sisters pink hat to support the Breast Cancer Tournament.

Our friend Steph teaching Grace. I love this.

And, Grace stoked that the team she was cheering for WON!

That was our Saturday.

On Sunday, we just hung out at the house until 1:30pm.  In our PJ's, doing absolutely nothing.
That is my kind of Mother's Day.  Loren cooked me breakfast.  And, he did all the dishes, too!
Half way through the day we ventured out for an hour or so to walk around a lake we'd never been to before then hit up Freddy's to pick up groceries as my sweet hubby made me a yummy dinner.  It was a good day.  I got to nap. I got to rest and relax.  I didn't have to hand wash one dish.  And, I got a back and foot rub.  My husband is incredible.  It was a good day!

Now back to reality.  The life that I love.  Taking care of and serving my family.  There isn't a better job in the entire world.  Thank you Grace for making it possible for me to have a Mother's Day.  "MOM" is a spectacular & humbling title to have and I will wear with pride every day of my life.


  1. What a wonderful weekend, Mel! And beautiful photos!

  2. Spectacular springtime fotos! Were all of those really taken on your neighborhood walk? Amazing. Glad you feel @ home now Melissa. And hope you have many more wonderful Mother's Day celebrations!

  3. Such a fun time! Thanks for hosting us and coming to Collin's game. It meant a lot to us!! Hope to see you again soon!! Love, The Wolfpack :)


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