Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Last Day.....

....before my baby becomes a big school girl. A kindergartner.
One day until we have to work things around holidays and summer vacations.
One more day of her home with me all day long.  One more day of drawn out mornings where we play in Gracie's room in our PJs for one or two hours before we even leave her room to get breakfast.  One more day....

I always get sentimental during these big events in our lives.
1.  She's our first.
2.  She's our only
So all these firsts will only happen once for us.

It's good though.
It really makes me slow down and appreciate all that we have going on & all the milestones.  I helps me to be grateful for growth and change, even the little things that can tend to go unnoticed.

As this is Gracie's last day before her school career begins I let her decided what our day looked like.
I love when she gets to choose.  It's always way more creative than anything I would come up with.

We threw a massive birthday party for five of her lovies that involved dancing, cake, tricks and about 50+ guests.

Grace practiced her drawing skills while I got breakfast ready & we read a card from a dear friend in Puyallup sending love and hugs to Gracie.

And, we spent two hours at Carey Lake collecting shells.

Then home for showers, lunch and a little Winnie The Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year
Later today Grace will have her 1st dance class the of year. And, she has a new leo and tights to go along with her new class.  Girlfriend just won't stop growing upward.

It's been a super way to spend our last full  day together.
18.45 hours to go.  The count down begins.

Here are a few photos (from my phone-sorry for the terrible quality) from our last two days.

 Produce from our friends garden and our neighbors garden.
And, some fruit from the trees in our back yard.

The new little guy I watch twice a week.

A Sunday stop at the library.
Books + Stuffed Animals = Joy for Grace

We will be back tomorrow to share photos from the BIG event!
And, I just got a knock on the door from UPS.  My new charger is here!!!
I can use my real camera.  Oh Glory Glory Hallelujah.
I'm back in business.

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