Friday, May 6, 2011

Can You Guess Where We Are Going.....

We have tickets booked for TENNESSEE!
Just booked them today.
Only 4 weeks and 4 days to go.
Thank you mama for the tickets! 

We were originally thinking of going at the end of summer, right before school started, but with me teaching dance the timing just wasn't working out.  And, all the summer flights were ridiculously expensive.  The only week that worked that was a low price and didn't clash with work happened to be the weekend of Gracie's 1st ever dance recital.  We bought an expensive costume, signed a contract and monkey has been working hard at her number since January.  We thought all was at a loss.  I had a chat with Grace and she, on her own, said she didn't think she wanted to do the recital and wanted to go to TN instead.  She was a bit nervous about the recital (this year--she said she would be ready when she was 6) and wasn't sure if, when the time came, she's be brave enough to dance in front of every one (we had a bit of a scary dance experience back in December-so it's still fresh in her mind).  So, I emailed her dance teacher and got an immediate response.  She completely understood and was ok with Grace dropping out last minute and the kicker---there was another girl who started dance late and they didn't have a costume for her.  She is going to buy Gracie's costume from us!  Huge huge blessing as we could definitely use that money on the trip.  God is so good. Always taking care of our every need.  Sometimes we have to say yes to something knowing we will have to say no to something else. But, in the end, if it is God's will all will be worked out, even the littlest things that we think He wouldn't care the least about.  

I do have a few Prayers I'd love lifted up:

1.  Grace and I have never traveled with out Loren and we have never been away from Loren for more than one or two nights.  This is going to be difficult for both of us, especially for Grace.  She's already gotten teary eyed thinking about daddy not being with her.  Also, I have to take medication when I fly and it usually puts me out of commission.  I have always said I would never travel alone with Grace due to that as I want to be 100% when I am the one fully responsible for her but I am believing I will be just fine. Please pray that my medication does not effect me in any way and that we are safe while traveling alone.  

2.  Please pray as I plan my up coming summer dance class.  I'll now need to plan it before going on the trip as it starts 5 days after we return.  I am by nature a procrastinator (it in some odd way makes me do a better job if I wait to the last minute) but I do not want to put this off to the last minute.  I have a lot of music to load and decided on. Themes to sort out.  Theatre games to plan.  etc. etc.  I also ask for God's wisdom in how I lay out the class.  I am going to be teaching itty bitty kiddos and their attention spans are very limited and I want to keep them focused and engaged.  

Thank you and Yippee, Hooray, Woohoo, Sweet, Woot, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.....

......just a smidge excited. 

1 comment:

I'd love to hear back from you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.