Friday, April 1, 2011

Sneak Peak.....

Here is a sneak peak into Gracie's birthday party that is just 19 hours away. 

Grace loves to help in any way she can.  

Excited about placing them "just right" on the cookies sheet. She's my little perfectionist. 

The best part of course is eating the raw cookie dough off the wrapper (yes, I cheated and used Pillsbury)

My awesome hubby took Ryan and Grace to the park so Brooke and I could decorate the cookies in peace.

Brooke-what would I do with out you?  Thank you so much for ALL your help.

Getting there.  Finally starting to look like cow girl hats

And, then the kiddos came back.  A package had arrived and the fun began.  

Does it get any better than packing peanuts?

And, they are done!  So fun to make.  Hope the kids like them.

1.5 hours until bedtime for my monkey.
And, just 3 hours (FL time) until her actual birth time.
I love you girly.
Can't wait for the weekend so we can CELEBRATE!

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I'd love to hear back from you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.