There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:..... |
I think about this verse every time there is change brewing in our lives. Change is a constant, but there are times more than others where I can feel the change deep with in my soul. Now is one of those times. A new season. I love how this is happening as spring has sprung upon us. As I watch the flowers blossom and the birds swirling about the sky in excitement of much warmth to come I feel that same sense of joy and unknown in my spirit.
....a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,.... |
I take a deep breathe and sigh a breath of relief knowing that God is in complete control and I have nothing to worry about or fear. And, there is really nothing I can do to change the course He wishes us to follow so I am resting in that and praying for continued peace.
I send this hoping for some prayers to be lifted up our way.
Grace starts Kindergarten in five months.
At the moment we have no idea where she is going to go.
She is currently registered at 5 different schools. But, the school we really want her to attend is: Ellensburg Christian School (ECS). The catch-it costs money. Money we do not have at this moment. We have been drawn to ECS since we moved here but put it on the back burner as we thought-there is no way we could ever afford to have Grace go to that school. But then a wise friend told us a few weeks back to not put a limit on God and to at least try. So, we went to the Kindergarten Coffee, turned in all the paper work & submitted financial aid forms. And, now we wait. Wait to be interviewed, wait to see if Grace makes it in, wait to see if our financial aid goes through and then wait and see if God provides a job for me that will cover our school loans and her tuition for school. There are a lot of what if's but God is BIG. Bigger than money, than loans and bills, than schools. He's bigger than all our worries and concerns, so we will see.
We have been trying to sell our Subaru for a few months now. Someone was going to purchase it but it fell through after we held the car for them for a few months. And, we just found out our "new" used car needs some major work done and it is going to cost a lot of money-money we do not really have since our car has not sold yet. Our prayer is that 1. our car sells quickly and 2. that our newer car last for many years with no other problems. Oh the woes of having used vehicles.
Our house in Florida still has not sold. It has been on the market for about four years now. Something may be changing over the next few months and with out being too specific we would love your prayers for protection for our family and finances while things change and mold about.
I am in the process of slowly looking for part time work for the fall. There are a few ideas/options floating about. Trying to fine tune things and trust that God will provide the perfect job(s) that will work beautifully around Gracie's school schedule and provide the adequate funds to pay for our school loans & Gracie's schooling (if needed). If I have to work, I want it to be something I am passionate about. Something that feels unlike a "job" and yet at the same times provides for the needs of my family.
With all these requests a lot of waiting and patience is required-two things that are hard to come by at times. We greatly appreciate your prayers and love through all of this and will keep you updated as things move forward.
...a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,... |
...a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.... |
Change (and Spring) is beautiful. Let's welcome it with open, trusting arms.
Hope everything works out for the best. Thinking about you.