Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A little catch up

We've been busy bees, to say the least.
Lots of getting things done.
We leave for our trip in just 2 day and a few hours.  Yippee!
The next two days are going to be swamped and I can't wait to finalize everything.
I do so much better under pressure. Waiting to the last minute is key.  It's how I've always been.  Although by now I'd usually have out suitcases and pack things a little at a time. But, since Grace doesn't know about our trip I'm having to wait until Friday night late, after she falls asleep.  Praying I don't forget anything.  It's all so worth it.

Before we head out I wanted to send out a little catch up.  

Here are a few things we've been up to.

Cracking open Geode's 

One of Gracie's passions.
Stones, gems, rocks, etc.

Littlest Pet Shop Fun

I love these little guys

The bed time "camp outs" have started up again.
We sit and wait for the night light to heat up and the glitter to start going crazy.
Thank you Aunt Arlene.  

Date morning with daddy


and some rock climbing

Fearless (when it comes to rock climbing).

Bath time fun.
Grace has a "store" and I have to ask for things that I want.
Today I chose Disney items for the taking

and a Dino, surf board and floaty

Playing a mean game of UNO.
I adore that she is loving on her baby while playing.
Already a multi-tasker


And, thus the projects begin


Her color design makes me smile

The entrance and Legend

The inside.  4 beds and a car, just in case.

The pot of gold (aka gold curled streamer) and a trail of gold to entice the the leprechaun to enter

One of the hidden four leaf clovers

The house/trap

More bath time fun.
Making a tent with her necklaces.
I want her imagination and creativeness 

Grace wanted to play with my hair tonight.
This is her version of "alien" hair.

And, there you have it.
Our last week.
I must run.  To-do list is loooooong.
And, I'm snoozy woozy. Must get some sleep.
See you on Saturday to reveal our trip plans.
Any guesses??


  1. love the new photo's and Statema Happenings!
    Let's see California? San Francisco? Anaheim-Disneyland? Penna(come see us if you do)
    Florida or Tennessee? If not one of those clueless. :)


I'd love to hear back from you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.