Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Little Bit of Random and a Whole Lot of Fun

So, I've been a bit behind.
And, because of that I leave you with a bit of a long random post filled with some of the good times we have had over the last week.

I did it.  I made Rhubarb Tort for the first time thanks to Grandma Karon.  
Rhubarb just grows in our yard; huge, massive stalks of it.  And, I'm not one to waste a good thing so I asked Grandma Karon to teach me and......


Sadly, I'm not a fan (it's a texture thing) but Loren LOVES it and pretty much ate the entire thing.

My dear friend is having a baby.
Her 3rd little munchkin.
This time they are having a BOY!
My friend and her dear mama threw her a really sweet baby shower.

Blue punch-such a brilliant idea, Mrs. Brooke.  

so festive

Pregnant and Glowing

The outfit my team made her. We *almost* won 

Our small group pitched in and got her the diaper bag she wanted.

Grace decided to draw a giraffe for the first time.
I might be biased, but I think it's incredible, especially for her first time trying.
I can't draw that well after 50 tries.

And, my two favorite people heading out for a hike so I could clean in peace.  Glory!

Again, biased, but I think I have the cutest family ever

We like to play Yahtzee.
I remember playing it when I was little-the real Yahtzee.
We have the Toy Story kid version and it's one of my favorite games to play with these two.

And, when you run out of time you play while you eat

We had a big rain storm the other week.
One that lasted a few days and caused a ton of flooding (we live in a valley).
Because of that storm we realized we had a water leak out front (thankfully on the other side of our meter).  We called the City up on Friday and Monday morning at the break of dawn they had arrived-massive power tools and all.

It was quite fascinating.

Grace spent a good amount of the day sitting like this, just watching in awe.

They even let her come up and watch what they were doing.
They were so sweet to her.

**They told her she could jump in the mud but she told them that she couldn't this time because the dress and jacket she had on were gifts from her grandma, were very special to her and she didn't want to ruin them.  Smart cookie.

My teeny pink cutie pie

The next day was glorious-a most perfect spring day.
A day that would bring a great SURPRISE for my girl.

and by surprise I mean, it was meant to be a surprise but she guessed and said she knew, however....

bare feet make me happy

and this yard makes me extra happy. 

The Turners came for a visit.....on a Tuesday....and spent the night!!!!
And, it was a wonderful and glorious surprise.

As you can imagine the fun never stopped.
So grateful they decided last minute to come our way.

Popsicles in the pool on a warm spring day


They spent over 3 hours outside.
A pre-dinner snack of veggies, salad and fruit

Pizza Time

And, brownies to end the evening on sweet note

along with some Strawberry Shortcake

They were all sun kissed and smelled of the beach and summer.

bedtime stories read by Mrs. Jennifer are always the best.

The next day
Cutie Pie Simon playing dress up with the girls.

even though the following day was gloomy and rainy
we ventured to the park 

It was a most perfect Tuesday and Wednesday surprise
Thank you, Turners. You are welcome to come and stay with us anytime.....ANYTIME.

Now, in two weeks we will be in Tennessee.  Before then we have BBQ's, Small Group, play dates, end of the year Kids Club Parties, Birthdays, Bible Studies, dance class planning, packing, cleaning etc. etc. to look forward to.  It's going to be a busy yet hopefully non-stressful 12 days.  But, because we are jammed packed with events and things to get done I most likely will not be on to post before we leave.  So I leave you with a short farewell.  See you when we get back from Tennessee. I am pretty positive I will have many stories and photos to share.

Oh and thank you for your prayers.
We were accepted into Ellensburg Christian School!
Now, we just have to wait for our financial aid meeting which will determine if we can accept their offer.  

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