Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Eulogy By: Loren Statema

What to say about our dear Kevin? Reading through the comments on the Facebook page and looking through pictures, we have been reminded of many of his wonderful attributes and several entertaining stories from the past.

Some of the qualities and memories that stand out most as of late are:

He cycled across US and around Ireland, somehow convincing unsuspecting homeowners to allow him to either camp on their lawn, or better yet, stay in their house.
His subsequent Planes, Trains & Automobiles trek back involving speeding across the Midwest in a rental car with "2 old people with bad hearts", as he put it, catching up with the train that he missed, while the flight he supposed to be on continued above with his bike and bags on board.
He loved snow skiing jumps and daring-do, involving many attempts at cliff jump glory, many of which were successful, but not near as entertaining as those that we not.

He was a masterful teacher that made learning attainable and fun, including a first-day-of-class survey asking his new students to, among other things, draw a picture of a cat. He apparently devised some Math puppets to aid in his teaching. Although we never saw these, we are convinced they must have been both hilarious and awe-inspiring at the same time.
Loren remembers sitting in on one of his math classes at while he gave a test. He had to hold back his laughter as he read the story problems that all involved a cat in some sort of peril, requiring the use of mathematics to save them.

He was also, without fail, the funniest person in the room wherever he went.

He was generous with his time to kids through Bellingham H.S. Young Life, volunteered to work on mission trips through The Inn at Western, helped friends new to Western to meet others, and very giving to high school students when teaching math, giving hours of free tutoring to students after school. He always wanted to give, in whatever way he could.

He seemed to always be up to something, a fact to which his parents and many others can attest. Whether it be lighting off LARGE illegal fireworks in the sleepy town if Lynden, WA, planning a creative Halloween costume, or planning his next great adventure, he always seemed to a step or two ahead of everyone else.

All of these qualities, and many, many more, add up to someone that everyone wanted to be around. He made life fun and full of opportunity. As the oldest brother, Mark & Loren idolized and wanted to be like him in numerous ways. And we know they were not the only people who felt like this.

There are so very many ways to remember the dynamic, intelligent, passionate, kind, generous, wonderful man that was our Kevin. Our prayer is that we all come away from this day with these things indelibly etched into our minds, because he was, in a word, unforgettable.

Wearing his dad's fishing cap

He worked at a full service gas station

Kevin always loved Ireland. 

Kevin and his friend, biked across the entire country: From WA to Boston, MA

Mark, Kevin and Loren

On his incredible journey across the country

He made it to Boston!!!  

We love and miss you Kevin!

It was two weeks ago today that we found about Kevin.  
Since then our world has been rocked.
It has brought such heart break but also some truly remarkable  occurrences as well.

We have been blown away by the love and care of those around us.
My bible study group collected gas money for us since they knew we would be making some long trips.
A friend dropped off a check to help us out so we didn't have to worry about finances during all our travels to Puyallup and Bellingham and back.
People lent us their vehicles, prayed with us & for us, called us, emailed us, texted us, sent us cards, babysat for us, and people we didn't even know came to Kevin's house in Bellingham to help us clean it out! just name a few things.

And, there are so many more people who are helping us put together the Memorial Service and are taking care of some of the details,  singing, playing piano, donating center pieces..... and the list could go on.    
We are so blessed!

Witnessing this has made me want to give back.
To find someone in need and shower them with God's love even if we don't know them. 

There have also been some challenges....

Loren, who usually can lay down and fall asleep with in 60, now has a hard time falling asleep at night.
This has been going on since the day he found out about Kevin.  
Please pray for him!

And, due to the stress of coming home straight off of a 12 day vacation and having to deal with all of this, lack of sleep, running around, cleaning out Kevin's house, etc. we all got sick-bad sick.  We usually never get sick and Grace hasn't been sick in 3 years so we knew we had to stop and relax.  Thankfully, after one day Grace was 100% herself again.  Praise God for her incredible immune system.  And, Loren and I are on the mend!  
Thank you for praying for us and our health.  We needed it, especially with the weekend to come. 

In just 3 days we will hold the Memorial Service for Kevin.
For those that can not attend, this is the order of the service.

Prelude: Bound to Come Some Trouble by Rich Mullins
Performed by Andy Wolf

Call to Worship

Hymn: It Is Well With My Soul
Congregational Sing

Eulogy: Loren Statema

Scripture reading: Ericka Statema & Melissa Statema


Statement from the Family- Mark Statema

Song: Grace by U2


Final Song: Oh Loving God by Paulette McCoy
Performed by Dan Davison

Prayer & Blessing

Dismissal to Reception

Thank you so much for your continued prayers.       

The Spokane Statemas (Mark, Ericka, Katie and Tyler) make the 5 hour drive to Puyallup tomorrow night late and return Sunday.  We, the Ellensburg Statemas, will head over the mountain (only a 2 hour drive for us) Friday early morning and we will return home Sunday as well.  A lot of other family and friends will be driving from far distances on Saturday.  If you could cover us all with travel safeties we would be incredibly appreciative.  

 ***I will post Marks Statement To The Family after the Memorial Service is held and we get back from Puyallup!

Psalms 31:9          
 O' Lord have mercy on me in my anguish. My eyes are red from weeping, my health is broken from sorrow.

John 16:33            
I have told you these things so that you will have peace of heart and mind, 
Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but cheer up, 
for I have overcome the world,

Amen and Amen!

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